Primum non nocere - suum cuique

Sunday, July 19, 2015

T shirt project

I was contacted by a friend months ago and she asked if I'd help design a T-shirt for her woman's group to sell as a fundraiser.  We began way back in December last year. My friend lives in Mt. Prospect, Illinois a suburb of Chicago and one of the highest points in the area.  And if you know Illinois it's pretty flat so a hill of 665 feet stands out.  She had all sorts of ideas and sketched a few out.  We went back and forth for months, mainly because we were both busy with family, but eventually she settle on a design she liked.  

Here is the final design.  I figure who ever she gets to do the t-shirts will crop the image and can darken all the blacks to a uniform color.

Monday, February 2, 2015

More doodles

I really do love going back though my piles of doodles.  Man what the hell was going on here?

You'll notice a lot of my doodles and drawing are heavily aquatic sometimes. That comes from years of studying and working as a fisheries biologist.  This set was draw on the back of deck form.  As an onboard fisheries observer you were issued data deck sheets that were printed on plasticized paper.  Some of the forms had blank backs for notes and tallies.  They also make great doodle pages since they take and hold graphite so well.

I'd probably date the page sometime in the early 2000's, maybe 2001-2003.

Friday, January 30, 2015


I've been pulling random stuff out of the collected works. Stuff socked away in bins, totes, and notebooks.  I'm slowly scanning a lot of my stuff for posting and just for archival purposes.

I wish I could remember what prompted this one.  13 years will dull the memory.  This one comes from 2001.  I'm guessing that I probably saw the Lord of the Rings movie.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Doodle bug

I'm a doodle bug.  No doubt about it.  You could tell how boring a college or high school class was by how many doodles I had in the margins of my notebooks.  This continues to this day and if I'm in a meeting and have a pen or pencil in my hand and am taking notes I'll probably also be doodling.

I was sorting though some one of my collected art/doodle bins and pulled this great example out.  At the time I was working as a fisheries observer and was stationed shore side at a plant.  The page below was part of a large blotter sheet that was on the observers desk for taking notes etc.  And luckily for me there were even dates of incoming fishing boats written down so I didn't even have to try and remember what year this is from.

I have a large format scanner, but even it wasn't large enough to fit the whole sheet on, but I was able to get the majority of cool doodles.  Below is the complete scan, but I've divided it up below to get a closer look at some of the doodles and what was going on in my mind

In the upper left hand corner I've got a rocket man and some kind of muscly monster.  Spacemen and monsters are still some favorite things to doodle.

A sketch of a werewolf.  I tend to come up with ideas for comics and start sketching out character ideas and writing plots and stuff and then never do anything with them.  There's also a fax number, which might have been the fax number at the plant and a website to a now bankrupt company I was interested in investing in and a duck face.

Probably the best doodle on the page.  One of my comic ideas involved little robots I just called 'Bots. I have hundreds of pages of doodles, notes, and ideas or them.  There also appears to be some kind of star gate and a bomb.

Up above the bomb we have some kind of energy beam and it looks like a doodle of my observer partner picking his nose, which I think he added boobs to.  We also have the date of an arriving vessels and I can date the sheet to 2002, since I routinely tore these sheets off to get a fresh drawing surface.

And lastly we get to the bottom right corner. Some faces, the word evil, some notes and a plane.  The voodoo head in the center was a idea I had after reading Scud: The Disposable Assassin, actually I think the comic was Tales from the Vending Machine in which the world of Scud was explored with different Scud models.  I think you could write in with ideas and Rob Schrab might use them for a story.  My idea was for a Voodoo model hence the face.
Also apparently Becca loves snot.